Are Your Invoices Stacking Up While Cash Flow Is Going Down?
We can help by turning your invoices into immediate cash through our factoring service.
Sounds Simple? Well, it is with America’s Factors. Our invoice factoring programs are tailored to your needs:
- Lowest factoring rates
- No up-front fees
- No hidden fees
- Instant approval
- No minimum volume requirements
- Funds deposited directly into your bank account within hours
- Factor only the customers and invoices you want
- Non-recourse factoring programs
- Real-time online reports
- Cancel anytime you want
Inquiry Form
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Benefits of Factoring
- Factoring turns your invoices into instant operating cash
- Can get you cash within hours for many of your customers’ invoices
- Factoring can improve your credit rating by giving you cash so you can pay your bills sooner
- Can help you meet your payroll and tax payment obligations
- Factoring increases your buying power by enabling you to take advantage of cash purchase discounts
- Can increase sales and marketing efforts
- Factoring can help you offer your customers better credit terms
- Accelerates cash flow
- Factoring can help you grow your business
America’s Factors was recognized by the SFS Chamber of Commerce for providing businesses with working capital to help them meet payroll, buy materials and hire more employees to grow their business. Watch the video to learn more about:
Who is America’s Factors?
“America’s Factors started back 1992 as a local, community business lender by providing accounts receivable factoring to businesses in…”
“…We now provide factoring to businesses in all 50 states.”
What’s factoring?
“Factoring is an advance on accounts receivable for services rendered or goods delivered. Factoring accelerates business’s cash flow by…”
What sets America’s Factors apart?
“I think it’s our dedication to helping our clients and our flexible factoring programs…”
What’s the reason for America’s Factors’ success?
“I believe it has to do with one of our core values that comes from the owner of America’s Factors. He believes that by helping our clients grow, America’s Factors will grow as well…” (Watch video for full coverage)
-Robert Amezola | Sales & Marketing Manager